Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bulk Up: Tony Tiamiyu will show you how!

We can show you the way to the quickest way to bulk up! Click here!

If you’re looking to bulk up and build muscle, this blog will fill you in on all you need to know. First, it is very important to shock your muscles so your body has to adapt to your demands. Recall the July 18th post where muscles repair themselves after they go through stress. So you should either increase the amount of weight lifted, or the amount of reps. Also, you can change up your workouts so that your muscle groups don’t get used to the same workout. To help your muscles grow and repair, you need to give them the right kind of food. Compose your diet of lots of lean protein. This protein will replace the muscle tissue (protein) that you used in your workouts. A good way to get your protein is through protein shakes, egg whites, chicken, steak, tuna, salmon, nuts and seeds, and beans. 
Here’s how you calculate your personal protein intake: Divide your weight in pounds by 2.2 (this will get your weight in kg). Then multiply your weight in kg by .8-1.8. Choose a higher number if you are more active and want to build more muscle. This final number will be the amount of grams of protein you will need to consume daily.

Don’t completely omit fat from your diet because your body needs fat too; just keep it at a healthy level. Lastly, keep you the daily maintenance on your body; make sure you’re getting plenty of water and rest.
Get help bulking up! Check out our website!

 -Tony Tiamiyu
 Instant Fitness, LLC
 Atlanta's #1 Personal Trainer
 Lindbergh City Center

Monday, July 25, 2011

The World's Best Stress Reliever: Instant Fitness Bootcamps!

I really enjoy the natural high my body gets from working out and how it seems to make other elements of my life very clear. When you finish a challenging exercise, you can actually feel the healthy flow of blood through your veins and feel a renewed source of energy. Your mind will be clearer because of the increased levels of serotonin released when you exercise. Also, exercising releases endorphins throughout your body so you feel happier! Besides feeling happier through  those endorphins, you will start to see positive changes in your body that will make you less moody and more motivated.
You might not realize it, but as you exercise, you are staying focused on a particular task. Whether it be a game of tennis or spin class, exercising almost forces you to meditate so that when you are finished, you have forgotten about your troubles. It is really incredible how the mind and body are so dependent on each other!
For more information about stress and it’s affects on the body and mind, click here.

 Instant Fitness, LLC
 Atlanta's #1 Personal Trainer
 Lindbergh City Center

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Truth about your Stomach: Instant Fitness Gives you the Facts

True: You cannot lose weight in specific areas only; your body loses weight first where it puts it on first.
True: You can tone your stomach by doing abdominal workouts. You just cannot expect to burn the extra fat on your stomach by doing sit-ups alone.
True: you can get those abs you've always wanted. Click here to get them!
True: Cardio, especially interval training, is the best way to burn fat quickly.

Remember, your body is like a machine, all the parts must be working for something to change. In this case, you cannot just do abdominal workouts and expect your stomach to magically shrink three sizes. If you are carrying extra weight, you need to help your body burn more fat. The most efficient way to do this is through interval training. Interval training can be done on a treadmill, on foot, or on a stationary (or regular) bike. This workout includes high-intensity and low-intensity intervals, usually 30secs to 4mins long. For instance, if you are running on a treadmill (there is usually an Interval setting that you can customize), you should do about 30 seconds of sprinting and 30 seconds of walking. Repeat for about 20-30 minutes, or as long as you can handle. Over time you will increase your aerobic capacity. Because you are working at a higher intensity (as opposed to a lower intensity for a longer amount of time), your body will have more energy after your workout to burn fat. Don’t forget, you have to keep all parts of your body in line if you want to burn fat, so keep your diet in balance and you should be on your way to a slimmer you!

-Tony Tiamiyu
 Instant Fitness, LLC
 Atlanta's #1 Personal Trainer
 Lindbergh City Center

Monday, July 18, 2011

Growing Pains: Tony Tiamiyu teaches you about your mucles

Learn how to get ripped and cut, CLICK HERE!

Many people know HOW to build muscle, but not many know WHY lifting heavier weights makes bigger muscles. The science behind it is simple.
You should first remember that the human body will do all that it can to repair itself to a healthy state.
When you lift a heavy weight, your muscles go through stress, which causes very small tears in your muscles. Ever felt sore the day after the gym? You are sore because your muscles are torn. But here's the best part: they are repairing themselves! Just like a scab on the outside of your body that helps heal wounds and scratches on the skin, your body repairs tears inside your body. Thus, just as a scar is a deformed or different part of your skin, your repaired muscles become larger. So, since your muscle has now grown in size, it has compensated for the weight you once lifted. You will now be able to lift a heavier weight.
Bodybuilders gain muscle quickly by constantly putting their muscles through stress. They lift very heavy weights and change their workouts frequently so that they shock their muscles.
In order for your body to repair your muscles, you must help it out. Make sure you get plenty of rest and recuperation, about 48 hours between workouts of the same muscle groups. Also, you need to make sure you're getting the right amount of protein to help repair, complex carbohydrates to have energy to get through your workouts, and a healthy source of fat. Protein can be in the form of powder or meat about 1-1.2 grams per each pound you weigh). Complex carbs are such carbs that aren't refined. And Whole Wheat (and sometimes whole grain) products will do. Just make sure "whole wheat flour" is within the first 4 ingredients on the label. You can also use fruit to fulfill the carb requirement. Healthy fats include avocado, olive oil, nuts, and seeds. And always make sure you are getting a balanced diet.
I hope I have enlightened you on the process of muscle gain. The body is a wonderful machine!

Get more tips on how to gain the most muscle in the least amount of time!

-Tony Tiamiyu
 Instant Fitness, LLC
 Atlanta's #1 Personal Trainer
 Lindbergh City Center

Friday, July 15, 2011

Instant Fitness Bootcamps! with Tony Tiamiyu

Keep up to date with Instant Fitness by clicking HERE!

I was glad to see about 15 smiling faces at the first official Bootcamp at Lindbergh City Center! A huge Thank You goes out to all who have come to the Bootcamp and brought their friends along with them! Please invite your friends, coworkers, and family to join you. You'll be surprised at the bond you will make with your community.
Here are some pictures from the past week:






In these bootcamps, we did a 5 minute warm-up with jumping jacks, jogging, etc. Then we moved on to a short run around the area. Afterwards we did leg exercises, more short runs, arm exercises and one more short run before cool down. We finished off our class with stretches to improve our flexibility and to make sure our muscles weren't too sore the next day.

Thanks again for those of you who came! If you haven't made it to one yet, the next bootcamp is at 8AM tomorrow (Saturday) morning.
I had a lot of fun with everyone, and I hope you've been inspired to be the best you can be!

Learn more about our bootcamps HERE!

-Tony Tiamiyu
 Instant Fitness, LLC
 Atlanta's #1 Personal Trainer
 Lindbergh City Center

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Keeping Portion Sizes Down: Nutrition Tips from Atlanta's Best Personal Trainer, Tony Tiamiyu

There are some good tips here, but get more from our fitness professionals. CLICK HERE!

I’ve recently noticed that portion sizes served in restaurants and portion sizes at home are growing out of control. There are a few simple, common-sense rules you can follow to keep portions, waistlines, and even costs down. You might be surprised how easy it is!
-When dining out, and you receive your meal, ask your waiter to bring a to-go box right away. By putting a part of your meal in the box, you will be less tempted to eat it all in one sitting.
-A normal portion of meat should be about the size of your palm, or a deck of cards. If you receive more than this portion size, cut it down to size, and then box it up and save it for another meal.
-When eating out, try a kids meal instead of a regular sized meal. You’ll be surprised that you’ll be full!
-When at home, choose a smaller plate to serve your food on. Smaller plate means smaller portions (just don’t pile food up too high).
-Divide your dinner plate into half; one half should be vegetables and fruits, and the other half can share your protein and another side.
-Place all chips, cookies, sodas and other junk food out of sight and out of reach. Place healthy snacks like fruit, veggies, and whole wheat pita chips in convenient reach.
Here are some helpful websites for further reading:

-Tony Tiamiyu
 Instant Fitness, LLC
 Atlanta's #1 Personal Trainer
 Lindbergh City Center